
Myra Miller

Cats and dogs can co-exist

Cats and dogs can peacefully coexist in homes, especially when pet owners exercise patience and emphasize socialization.
The above statement, I can testify to, as I house a cat and a dog. Callie cat and Rufus dog for the most part tolerate each other.

Myra Miller

Don't waste your money

I’m a firm believer of the old saying, “Want not, waste not.” My parents taught me well at a young age to not waste.
The following, courtesy of Newspaper Metro, gives you tips and suggestions on different areas and things you can improve on, and thus not waste your money.

Myra Miller

Happy St. Patty Day

Happy St. Patty Day! Don’t forget to wear green.
The following, courtesy of Newspaper Metro, gives you the history and origin behind St. Patrick’s Day.
Why does the world celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?


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