Sherry Clark, left, secretary to Eunice Police Chief Randy Fontenot, speaks after Rotarian Jacque Pucheu, right, named her the Eunice Rotary Administrative Professional of the Year. (Photo by Claudette Olivier.

Clark named Administrative Professional of the Year

Sherry Clark, secretary to Eunice Police Chief Randy Fontenot, was named the Administrative Professional of the Year by the Eunice Rotary Club.
“It has been a privilege to work with the previous chief and to work with the current chief,” Clark said as she was presented with the award. “I am speechless.”
As Administrative Professional of the Year, Clark also received a free trip to Branson, Missouri, compliments of KEUN AM and FM, and $500 spending money from the Eunice Rotary Club.
Clark worked for former Police Chief Ronald Dies, and she has worked for Fontenot going on four months.
Rotarian Jacque Pucheu read aloud from Fontenot’s recommendation letter prior to announcing Clark as the award’s recipient.
“It seems as though I think about it, and she’s already completed the task,” Fontenot said in the letter. “I never have to ask twice and many times have not had to ask once.”
“She is truly the assistant that my administration relies on for everything from scheduling to knowledge about activities around the office. Nothing gets by her, and she keeps me prepared for what would ordinarily be a surprise to me.”
Fontenot praised Clark’s wisdom, confidence, honesty, loyalty and “knowledgeability” and her abilities as a consultant and sounding board.
“She has no problem disagreeing with me on issues but I can always rely on her to carry out my wishes better than I could myself,” he continued. “I have yet to assign a task she was incapable of completing. That is, if I had to ask before she did. The words ‘I can’t’ aren’t in her vocabulary.”
Even though Fontenot has only worked with Clark since taking office in January, Fontenot observed Clark as she worked with Dies, noting her loyalty and capabilities.
“I knew then that she was an exceptional person and an assistant that I would love to work with and have working for me,” Fontenot said. “I have not been disappointed.”
“Her official title is Secretary to the Chief, but she is so much more than a secretary. She is a proven professional, assistant and more. She is a public servant the City of Eunice can be proud of.”
“Whether or not she is accepted for this prestigious award, she has earned our respect at the police department, and we do cherish her service,” Fontenot added.
Rotarian Pat Dossman joined Clark and Pucheu at the podium to congratulate Clark on the award.
“When she comes to ask for a raise, she’s bringing your letter,” Rotarian Pat Dossman, said, laughing, and the crowd broke out in laughter as well.


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