
Myra Miller

Did you Know?

Christmas trees typically grow for 15 years before they’re cut and sold. This means the trees sold today were likely planted in 1999.
*Christmas was not declared an official holiday in the United States until June 26, 1870.

Myra Miller

Let's talk Turkey

It’s almost that time of year... turkey on the table next week.
After reading the following, courtesy of Newspaper Metro, I learned some interesting “Did you Know” facts about the “Bird,” that I was not aware of.

Myra Miller

Tips to gift spending limits

I thoroughly enjoyed my Saturday of “Noeling”.
Every year on the second weekend in November I “strive” my best to shop for others. In past years, I have accomplished this; and yet, other past “Noels” I have not. ..and only because I purchased items for ME. Hahaha.


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