Myra Miller

Health benefits of caffeine

Caffeine is most known as a consumed stimulant for many people. When I think of caffeine, I automatically think of drinking coffee. However, after reading the following, courtesy of Newspaper Metro, I did not realize that caffeine consumption can become healthy on some accounts.
I enjoy drinking coffee. However, I have to be very aware and careful to consume the beverage during the morning hours. If I desire a cup of coffee in the afternoon, I make sure it’s early afternoon hours. I learned the hard way years ago not to drink coffee during late afternoon, as I did not fall asleep during the evening.
Some surprising health benefits of caffeine:
That new coffee bar opened up just around the corner and you have been eager to sample one of their signature blends. But you consistently resist the urge to venture inside. Caffeine is not so healthy for you, right?
Caffeine, the most widely consumed stimulant on the planet, has garnered a bad reputation. Some people fear caffeine and it’s potentially jittery and addictive side effects.
However, many medical professionals attest that, when consumed in moderation, caffeine actually can have a number of health benefits.
Before you skip that morning cup of Joe or choose an herbal blend instead of black tea, consider the following health benefits of caffeine.
— Caffeine boosts brain and central nervous system function. Caffeine mimics the shape of another compound in the body called adenosine, which helps the body calm down and become sleepy. Caffeine can fit in adenosine receptors and cause a jolt of energy rather than sleepiness.
Harvard researchers have found that blocking adenosine may slow the buildup of a toxic brain plaque that is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, caffeine may help keep dopamine molecules active in the brain and prevent the onset of Parkinson’s disease.
— Caffeine can help improve mood. The stimulant effect of caffeine may help boost people’s moods, and thus reduce the propensity for suicidal thoughts. In 2013, Harvard’s School of Public Health found that respondents who drank two to three cups of caffeinated coffee a day cut their suicide risk by 45 percent.
— Caffeine may lower the risk of stroke. Studies conducted in both the United States and Sweden found that older women who drink more than a cup of caffeinated coffee each day have between a 20 and 25 percent lower risk of stroke. Similar findings were discovered in older men.
— Caffeine boosts memory. Studies from Johns Hopkins University showed that a 200mg caffeine pill helped boost memory consolidation.
— Caffeine offers pain relief. Caffeine is often paired with other pain relievers to bring about faster relief.
The Journal of the American Medical Association concluded that when caffeine was combined with other pain relievers, patients required 40 percent less of the other drug to bring the same amount of relief experienced when using just the non-caffeine drug alone. Caffeine on its own can also relieve pain. Consuming caffeine before or after a workout can help reduce muscle soreness.


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