Man charged with running over, killing 49 sea gulls

Add a Labadieville man to the list of people who do dumbfounding things.

Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) Enforcement Division agents cited Jackoby D. Bertot, 30, for taking other than non-game migratory birds no season for killing 49 sea gulls in a New Orleans suburb parking lot.

Agents started the investigation after receiving complaints about an unknown male in a white pickup truck speeding through a resting flock of sea gulls in the Elmwood area parking lot around 9:30 p.m. 

Agents were able to obtain the identity of the driver of the vehicle through interviews, witness statements and multiple surveillance videos.

The maximum penalty for violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act is up to a $15,000 fine and six months imprisonment.  Additional fines may be imposed for each bird killed in the alleged incident.

Agents involved in the case are Sgts. Tim Fox, Kris Bourgeois, and Austin Arteaga, Lt. Jason Russo and Capt. Steve McManus.

Bertot, if convicted, will join such serial killers as those who look for turtles, possums, armadillos, cats, dogs and other small animals crossing the road as targets for their pickups.


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